How to Make Friends as an Introvert?


If you are wondering about the question How to Make Friends as an Introvert? then this article will give you the exact idea to make friends and an introvert.

‘Many people will walk in and out of your life, but true friends will leave footprints in your hearts’

Eleanor Roosevelt.

One of the purest bonds in this world is friendship. It takes time to make friends and to continue the friendship. Sometimes it difficult to start a new friendship easily as an introverted person. It will take time for you to open up and start liking the other person. However, being patient is the key to blooming a friendship.

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You may have a clash of interests, or the other person may be quite the opposite of you, but once you start talking and get to know the other person, you will make a bond you don’t want to lose. Slowly, you will learn to maintain the friendship just as you build, and your friendship will also grow. The connection you will have with your friends won’t be with anyone else.

What is friendship?

Friendship is such a bond that will always be there with you no matter what the distance is. A friend is a person who will guide you when you are wrong and will help you in all situations. It is a bond that you form with an acquaintance or an association. Friendship is beyond things like gender, caste, sect, status, and much more.

What is friendship? - How to Make Friends as an Introvert?

A bond without judgments is friendship. Sometimes you can’t express your emotions to your family members, but you can to your friends. Friendship is a combination of good times and bad times, just like it happens in the family.

True friends are more than just a bond and can be like our family during good and bad times. It is a true concept which still exists and will always. In friendship, both the people are equal and have the same right to each other. With friends, you will make many pleasant memories, and many will also make you learn something. Either way, you will cherish these memories and continue doing them till your last breath.

Who is an introvert?

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Being an introvert is a very natural personality trait. Introverts find it difficult to socialize in any event or make friends. Introverted people love their own company and prefer staying alone most of the time. They are generally quiet, shy, and seen as having a reserved nature. It takes time for them to open up and catch up with people.

How to Make Friends as an Introvert?
Image : wikimedia.org

It also takes time for them to make decisions, feel comfortable in crowded places or talk in public. Their basic quality is that they are less talkative and don’t express their emotions easily though always satisfied. Once they get to know the other person well, they feel comfortable in that space and share their heart out completely. Often, introverts experience the best moments and eye-opening learnings through the friendship they make. These friendships will make you feel more comfortable and easy to open up for you. 

According to the findings of US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, “Introverts show higher activity in regions of the behavioural inhibition system, such as the DLPFC (Gray, 1972), and have higher glutamate levels, which results in an increased topdown control of DLPFC on the amygdala as a critical structure in the fear network”

Do introverts have no friends?

Introverts talk less, that doesn’t mean they don’t have friends. They are often seen as lacking social skills. It is observed that they have very limited friends and prefer only a small group. They feel uncomfortable in a crowd and enjoy spending time alone or with their inner circle.

They have a few friends to whom they are close. Also, they don’t like going out with anyone, or even parties to relax. They find it hard to find friends and are anxious about talking about themselves. In fact, for introverts, meeting new people terrifies and drains them completely.

Video : TEDx Talks

Being introverted is one of the parts of your personality that doesn’t completely define who you are as a person. Making friends might be difficult but not impossible. Though they like to take time alone to recharge and enjoy themselves, they value close friends and relations.

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Introverts do have friends and also enjoy being with their friends. Like all other people, they also carry their friendship till their lifetime. The quality of your friends’ matters, not the quantity or how many are available for you. Friendship is something that is the long term; that’s the reason it takes time to build.

Why are friends important in life?

Life without friends is like food without salt. Sometimes in life, friends can hold you much stronger than family. Friends can be your savior in the times you need them. They are your support system in your decisions. Like family, friends are also required as they have a different place in your life. The love and trust you can get from them you won’t find it elsewhere. Friendship is a relationship that has lots to offer, and it’s a two-way relationship.

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Friends are those who will push you towards your dreams and will always hold your hand no matter what. There is no reason why a person shouldn’t have friends. Having friends is crucial as making your journey more beautiful and filled with memories. Friends can make you laugh without any reason, and they can cry with you and wipe your tears. It’s a relationship where you hold the other person’s hand without expectations.

How to make friends as an introvert?

Making friends while being an introvert needs little patience. You can start by talking about your interest and knowledge about the other person’s interest. Find a common thing you both like, in this way you build your friendship and make new friends. Meeting new people quite often will also help to make friends. Making friends as an introvert is not as difficult as they say; it takes time and effort to do it. Socializing is different for everyone, but you still try to come out of your comfort zone.

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Always be the way you are; you can’t just start a friendship by pretending you are someone else. Try to be present in a conversation or be a part of it. Once you start talking with a person and enjoy the conversation, the friendship begins. You need to keep it up and give it a chance to grow. 

How to deal with social anxiety?

Social anxiety means you fear people judging you for various aspects that can be stressful. The feeling of being judged can make you take a step back from talking to people. Being an introverted person is easy to have social anxiety though you need to find ways for dealing with it. You can also have social anxiety due to overthinking and fear of other people’s opinions about you. Thinking about what other people may think about you can also leave you anxious.

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Sometimes, you may get social anxiety and depression due to a few past events. You need to accept your past and let go of it to move forward. Otherwise, this can cause your social anxiety to increase further and harm you mentally. For some people, social anxiety could be mild, but for some others, it can cause nausea, dizziness, and excess sweating, among other symptoms. It takes time to heal from past events, but if you try, you can. Wherever you go in a crowded place or a public event, try to be calm and talk to people you want to. Doing this a few times can help you develop friendships and reduce your social anxiety.

How do introverts start friendships?

Friendships of an introverted person always start with a single friend, and it takes time for the number of friends to increase. Often, introverted people focus only on a single friend, and they purely concentrate their time and energy on only a few close relationships they are comfortable with.

Once they are comfortable forming a deep connection to indulge in completely, they open themselves completely. It takes time to start a friendship, but once they are comfortable and start opening up, the fun begins for them. Slowly they make a few friends. Being friends with your friend’s friend is also easy for you as they know them and meet at social events. Some friendships start quickly, and some others take years to form. That connection should be developed when you trust the other person and be loyal.

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How to make friends as an introverted teenager?

Being a teenager, you may want to go to different places and explore, but you may have a few friends as an introvert. You can try to join a group, so you meet more new people and expand your network. Also volunteer for any social cause or NGO, which will help you make more friends. You can find hobbies or extracurricular groups that match your interest and find new friends there.

Your socializing skills will also improve, and you will feel comfortable in public events. Once you start seeing and talking to new people, you get to know them better, and this way is easy to make friends. You can also begin friendships over the internet. Talking over messages can be easier than face-to-face conversations at the start. These simple things will help you make friends and feel comfortable in the crowd.

How to make friends as an introvert with social anxiety?

It would be best if you started step-by-step to make friends while dealing with social anxiety. In the first meeting, you can have little eye contact or chat for a few minutes, whatever makes you feel comfortable. Try to talk to only one person at a time and not many.

This way, you will start small and can be less overwhelming. Focusing on one person or a small group can also make you less frustrated, and you can slowly get to know the other person.

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It would be best to take it one by one as that will be easy. Otherwise, it can be draining to be in a crowd all of a sudden, and as a result, you won’t feel like talking to anyone. Complimenting someone or talking with someone of the same passion or interest can help you. That will lead to a conversation and help you know the other person better. Once a conversation starts, you will feel more comfortable with the other person, and you may want to build a friendship with them. A little talk with someone can create a beautiful bond and friendship.

Friendship is like a roller coaster ride with its ups and downs. Sometimes you will lose friendships or make friendships that will last a lifetime. Being an introvert is okay but having friends is essential. You may require effort and step out of your comfort zone, but it’s worth it. Your life will be incomplete without friends.

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You may need to deal with social anxiety yourselves, but you can overcome it with the help of your friends. A friend is a person who can understand you more than anyone and will be your backbone till the end. Friends can fight for you or fight with you if doing anything wrong, love you no matter what, and care for you. Friendship is a beautiful relation that all should cherish. It’s an equation you essentially need in this lifetime and will always be there.

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Sujatha is a writer at Nearmonk.com. When not writing, she is a travel enthusiast and loves to explore new places and different cuisines.

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