Nighttime is great, it allows us to sleep and give some rest to the body as well as the mind. Therefore, It allows us to get ready for the routine of the next day. Let’s see how to wish good night to yourself in 10 best possible ways.
We do a lot of things during the day. Even if we are not doing anything our senses are collecting information and that is a task too. We are not machines, we can not work 24 by 7 and hence it is necessary to have a proper sleep. Here is are 10 ways to wish good night to yourself. This is extremely important to communicate with ourselves and wishing good night to yourself it is one of the ways to do that on the individual level.
1. Appreciate Your Day
No matter how much tiring the day was, before going to bed it is necessary to appreciate the day and thanking for getting this opportunity to live this day. You can say thanks to the almighty or destiny whatever it may be. This will help you to sense the feeling of satisfaction at the end of the day. Above all, it was your day or not, you have given your best and if not then you have new opportunities. It is important to close the day on a positive note for a good night.
2. Write The Journal
You can write a journal that will help you to to look inwards and help you to improve the overall quality of life by observing yourself from a different perspective. You can also write about your experience and the skills and knowledge you have gained during that day. The gradual progression will help you to to move forward in a direction that you always wanted to move in life. Above all, writing the journal is a way of documenting yourself and things happening inside as well as around you. Therefore, After a few years, you will be amazed to see the progress you will do you during this period.
If you haven’t read this article, you can read it.
3. Remember Your Goal

One should have a short term. midterm and a long term goal in life. Further, he can divide those goals into smaller goals as milestones. This will help him or her to move faster by having a crystal clear approach on what to achieve in life. Everyone should have a goal because it gives you the answer to your existence. If you have no holes then you will not have any control over your life. Nighttime is the best time to think about your goal and remembering it at least one time in 24 hours.
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4. Analyse Your Mistakes
As you have written the journal, I want you to to be as honest as you can while writing journal. The first method of improving anything is to identify what’s wrong. Analysing mistakes is a crucial part for self-improvement and that’s why it is necessary to be completely neutral and have non-biased approach wild looking at yourself. Do not focus on the mistakes of others but you should focus on your mistakes because ultimately you have to improve yourself.
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5. Forgive Others For a Good Night
Doing anything good to others always brings positivity. Our mind is like a highly fertile farm. Hence we have to plan as many as positive things. If you plant anything like the feeling of revenge, it will not take you anywhere. The best way to take revenge is to forgive and counter it with positivity. Ultimately it will lead to your growth and petty things won’t bother you anymore. Believe in the law of karma. if anyone has done any wrong to you, destiny will give him/her the returns as per his/her behaviour. You don’t have to waste your time in such petty things because you have a larger goal. Truly forgiving anyone will make your good night even good and peaceful.
6. Plan Your Tomorrow
You already have your goals set. However, those goals are like elephants and do you know how to eat an elephant? You eat it in pieces, there is no alternate way to eat it all at once. Hence, you have to to make smaller pieces of your goals and follow the required actions for those goals. If you want to become a professional singer, you have to practice set daily and that’s how you will achieve the goal of becoming the best singer over a longer period of time. If you are planning your tomorrow then you are already one step ahead of every one of your level. You will have better clarity on things to do tomorrow.
7. Meditate for a Good Night

A peaceful environment helps you to meditate in a better way. No night time is the peaceful time for most of the people to meditate. Meditation helps you to stay focused and concentrating on your breath will improve your attention to paying skills. You can simply learn meditation with a number of guided meditation videos out there which are available free of cost. Alternatively, if you want a structured way then you can also obtain for applications like headspace. The method of meditation can be different for everyone but the main intention here is to improve focus and ensure a peaceful environment at least for a few minutes. This will help you to boost your productivity.
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8. Avoid Black Mirrors
Staying away from the black mirrors (screens), i.e – digital devices is highly recommended to stay away and have a better quality of sleep. It is scientifically proven that blue light affects the sleep and that’s something you cannot ignore. If you need something in order to replace it, you can replace it with books. Books will help you to get sleep faster. Remember, use real books and not the ebooks. Stay away from anything that it has inbuilt light. Basically, stay away from digital devices at least a couple of hours before going to sleep. There is a feature called wind down in most of the latest smartphones, you can use it as a reminder if you believe that you are using a smartphone more than and the requirement.
9. Talk To Your Loved Ones
What could be the best feeling of other than talking with the loved ones? Our time is limited and there is no guarantee of anything in this life. One of the ways to say ‘we care about you’ and ‘thank you’ informally is to talk with the loved ones. No doctor in this world can assure you that you will see the dawn of tomorrow. As Steve Jobs rightly said in his popular speech at Stanford, “Your time is limited.”
10. Leave Your Worries For a Good Night
This is the last way of saying goodnight to yourself, every day is a new opportunity and you have given your best. You have analysed your mistakes and now you are all set to take the new opportunities by rectifying those mistakes. Already forgiven the people and you have no reason to take revenge on anyone. In addition, you have also appreciated the people who brings value to your life. You cannot change the past, the only way you forget it is to create new memories. Hence, leave your worries and trust that you have given your best during the day.
This is how you wish good night to yourself. It will help you to be a better person with improved quality of sleep and life. Do you know any better way you say goodnight to yourself? What is the best thing you like about night, comment below and let’s have a discussion on it.
Featured photo courtesy – Patrick Schneider
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